
语宇社区 祝福语大全 273 6


  If one day, you begin to regret giving up me, please remember, I once begged you to stay like a beggar.


  People live in other people's memories. When everyone forgets you, you don't exist.


  In my opinion, there is no such thing as long pain and short pain.


  We are foolish and self righteous, praising the greatness of our own love, but it is only because it is more comfortable than the other.


  Happiness on the face, others see. Who can feel the pain in my heart.


  Good love makes you see the whole world from one person while bad love makes you abandon the whole world for one person.


  Give up a person is not painful, the pain is to give up the heart of love.


  When tears flow down, just know, separation is another kind of understanding.


  If sincerity is a kind of hurt, I choose silence. If silence is a kind of hurt, I choose to leave!


  When you want to give up, think about why you're here now.


  If you love, please love deeply. Give up, please. Waiting is a mistake in itself.


  Simple quiet life is not happy, so I only embrace the moment, long lasting feeling is not happy, so I believe only moments.


  After breaking up, can not be friends, because each other hurt, can not be enemies, because each other has loved, so we become the most familiar stranger.


  Forget a person, is not no longer remember, but occasionally think, but no waves in mind.


  The man cried because he really loved; the woman cried because she really gave up.


  It's painful, painful, but giving up is more painful, more painful.


  Learn to give up: give up what you don't want to do, give up what you're not good at, and give up what you can't do.


  How far a man can go is his own, without trying, he will never know.


  The worst part of it is when you meet someone special, who knows you'll never be able to be together, or sooner or later, you have to give up.


  It is more difficult to give up a person than to love him, but it is more difficult to forget him completely.


  The person who is worse than me has not given up, the person who is better than me is still working hard, and I am not qualified to say that I can't do anything!


  Likes a person, must let him be joyful, lets him be happy, makes that sentiment more sincere. If you can't do it, just let it go!


  When she opened, put down, but can't help but think of the warmth of the people to.


  If you love a person who does not respond, rather than beg for love, walk away with pride.


  The world is so imperfect. What you want to get, you have to lose something.


  Don't forget the things you once you owned. Treasure the things you can't get. Don't give up what you belong to. What has been lost, to be remembered.


  If you do not love a person, please let go, let others have the opportunity to love her; if you love the person to give up you, please let yourself, so that you have the opportunity to love others.


  Some people pursue happiness, so efforts; some people have happiness, so give up.


  When no one hurts you, you have to live like a man.


  The rain shower air, tired of sadness, I remember the fairy tale has slowly melting.


  Life without love is incomplete, and love without suffering is not profound. Love makes life rich, pain makes love sublimation.


  Remember what should be remembered, and forget what should be forgotten. Change what can be changed, accept what cannot be changed. If you want to pick the moon, then look at your altitude first.


  Pack up your heart, go on, miss the flowers, you'll reap the rain; miss him, I'll meet you. Go on, you'll reap your beauty.


  A man to give up the cause of women is that idiot, a man and woman to give up for the cause of this is awesome.


  Men say anything can give up, but can not give up you, such a man away from the point, because the realization of career prospects are difficult, and protect you is very simple.


  Give up, is how painful understanding.


  Don't give up because you're afraid of losing.


  If you fall in love, don't let it pass away. Rash, may make you regret for a while; cowardice, but may make you regret for life.


  Time will slowly precipitation, some people will be in your heart slowly blurred. Learn to let go, your happiness needs to be done by yourself.


  Give up the abandoned, is a kind of helpless; give up should not give up, is incompetent; do not give up the abandoned, is ignorance; should not give up, do not give up, is persistent.


  Those who said never separate, already scattered in the end of the world.


  To give up, to give up is to overthrow all of the past.


  Learn to give up, give up is a kind of wisdom of the beautiful. Know how to give up, only know how to have, know how to cherish.


  Man only loses when he gives up the fight, and if he keeps fighting, he's not lost.


  Outside the window under the snow, a cup of coffee, holding it cool, just know and think of you. My expectations, how can you understand!


  Give up forever only one purpose, in order to get better results.


  Give up, not because I lost, but because I understand.


  Nothing can be abandoned, nothing can be changed. If you want to be above monsters, you might even have to give up humanity.


  Give up the abandonment is helpless; give up should not give up is incompetent; don't give up, give up is ignorance; don't give up should not give up is persistent.


  Love to show precious, a lot of people do not understand the treasure, only to lose to see, in fact, the most familiar is the most precious.


  Many times we give up, think it is only a feeling, in the end, only to know, it turned out to be a lifetime.


  When we are loved, we all desire to be long, but everyone is giving up, where there is everlasting and unchanging.


  If you are not happy, if not happy, then let go; if you can not bear, can not put it, it is painful.


  If one day, you begin to regret giving up me, please remember, I never wanted to leave the way to teach you to cherish!


  If you give up, everything is gone.


  When you hesitate to give up, then do not give up, because really want to give up, then you will not hesitate.


  When all the dust settles, when everything is quiet, I will really know how to give up, in fact, is also a beautiful harvest.


  I put down my dignity, my personality, my obstinacy, just because I can't let you go.


  Don't hate, never give up the chance of happiness.


  If the dream as a belief, do not give up to pursue, will certainly dream come true.


  Dove, don't be sad, don't give up your hope. Since then, I have to be strong, just like the sun shining.


  The biggest regret of life, nothing more than, easy to give up should not give up, stubbornly adhere to the should not insist.


  Giving up is a regret, a miss, a kind of understanding. Give up, is the last obsession, the last obsession, the final perfect.


  Love is not to find a perfect person, but to learn to love an imperfect person.


  When I was a kite, or put me, or else receive a good home, don't use an invisible qingsishuanzhuo I, let me heartache.


  Stick to it, you just need to repeat everything before you put up with the hurt that you already endure and default.


  In life, there is a person can miss, is the fate; there is a person thinking about himself, is happiness.


  In this secular world, it is a realm to learn to treat everything around with an ordinary heart.


  The beginning is beautiful, the process is tired, the outcome is sad, sober is difficult.


  Regardless of yesterday's sunny or cloudy, learn to give up, you will get an updated sun from your tomorrow, and get a bigger blue sky for you to ride on!


  Don't think that giving up will be more comfortable. In fact, the degree of pain will not be less than persistence, and the time of pain will not be shorter.


  We smiled and said: we stay in the original place of time, in fact, has long been swept away by the torrent..


  Death can not give up, poor death can not sigh, let the joke your people become jokes.


  How many stupid people who know no result, but still paranoid love down.


  Remember what should be remembered, and forget what should be forgotten. Change what can be changed, accept what cannot be changed.


  There is only one person who fails, the one who gives up before he succeeds.

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2021-06-27 18:40:58

.  12、简单安静的生活其实不幸福,所以我只拥抱刹那,绵延持久的感觉根本不快乐,所以我只信仰瞬间。  Simple quiet life is not happy, so I only em

2021-07-19 09:39:35

、记住该记住的,忘记该忘记的。改变能改变的,接受不能改变的。  Remember what should be remembered, and forget what should