
语宇社区 唯美句子 29 0


1、Society is not fair, do not complain, because there is no use! 千里之行,始于足下。改变将来,从现在开始。改变现在,就是改变未来。

2、活的开心最重要,不管有多少挫折,都要努力冲过去。 Happiness is the most important thing in life. No matter how many setbacks there are, we should strive to overe them. 学会忘记是生活的技术,学会微笑是生活的艺术。

3、这一秒不放弃,下一秒就有希望!坚持下去才可能成功! This second does not give up, next second there is hope! Stick to it! 6时间就是我们当下的呼吸,每一刻都应该全心全意的生活。


担当的英语短语篇1 The job needs someone with a good track record in investment.这项工作需要有良好投资业绩的人来担当。

责任与担当的英文翻译是Responsibility and responsibility 。

responsible 动词形式:be responsible for 例:I am responsible for this module.我对此模块负责。Ill take the responsibility.我将负起责任。


1、问题三:男人要有担当用英语怎么说 A man must have a sense of responsibility. 这是文绉绉的书面用语。sense of responsibility 就是“责任感”,算是有担当的同义词。

2、担当的英语短语篇1 The job needs someone with a good track record in investment.这项工作需要有良好投资业绩的人来担当。

3、responsible 动词形式:be responsible for 例:I am responsible for this module.我对此模块负责。Ill take the responsibility.我将负起责任。



What do not have is more valuable and Pcious than time, so do not put off what you do today until tomorrow. 1世间君王有无数,而贝多芬只有一个。

只要行为正当,那么勇气会使你获得一切。As long as you behave properly, courage will give you everything.即使为了国王的宝座,也永远不要欺骗、违背真理。

There is no obstacle to a man of talent and labor. 世间君王有无数,而贝多芬只有一个。 There are many kings in the world, and Beethoven has only one. 我愿以我的事实证明,凡是善良与高尚的人,定能因此而担当苦难。

What do not have is more valuable and precious than time, so do not put off what you do today until tomorrow. 1世间君王有无数,而贝多芬只有一个。


1、take responsibility 承担责任 [网络短语]Take Responsibility 负责任,承担责任,担负责任 take the responsibility for 负起对某事的责任,对,负起对 take over responsibility 接管职责 (赠人玫瑰,手留余香。

2、take the blame for sth 承担…的责任;get sth blame for 对…负责 blame的用法:blame的用法1:blame的基本意思是对于不端行为、过失、罪过等的“责备”,有时含斥责挑剔的意味,故也可译为“责怪”“责难”。


4、总之,承担责任是一种重要的美德。在英语中,我们可以使用“take responsibility”、“assume responsibility”和“shoulder responsibility”等短语来表达这种美德。

5、承担责任的英文是bear the responsibility。例句:而分包商,则完全想承包商负责,承包商为分包商的一切行为想业主承担责任。


1、担当的英语短语篇1 The job needs someone with a good track record in investment.这项工作需要有良好投资业绩的人来担当。

2、责任与担当的英文翻译是Responsibility and responsibility 。

3、responsible 动词形式:be responsible for 例:I am responsible for this module.我对此模块负责。Ill take the responsibility.我将负起责任。

4、总务 General affairs 课长 Department Head 很多日资企业简称“ M ”如果是副课长 则是“DM。

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