
语宇社区 经典句子 39 0


It is very important to take care of our environment.这是非常重要,我们要保护我们的环境。 Protection of the environment is everyones responsibility.保护环境,人人有责。

书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。 Nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind to it. 世上无难事,只怕有心人。 No man is wise at all times. 聪明一世,糊涂一时。

英语诗句:I have had my invitation to this world‘s festival,and thus my life has been blessed.我接到这世界节日的请柬,我的生命受了祝福。

知道小有建树答主 回答量:113 采纳率:0% 帮助的人:30万 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 关于苏州园林的诗句英语版 苏州是一个古老,文明,美丽的城市和苏州园林是良好的世界知名的。

关于春天的英语诗句有哪些 You can cut all the flowers but you cannot keep Spring from coming ——Pablo Neruda 你能砍掉所有的鲜花,但你不能阻止春天的到来。


The waterfall sing, “I find my song, when I find my freedom.”瀑布歌唱道:“我得到自由时便有了歌声了。

描写景色英文片段 微风吹来一阵春天的气息。There is a breath of spring in the gentle wind. 风向我们迎面吹来。The wind was dead against us. 轻风抚弄树梢。

That is an oil painting of a landscape in spring.那是一幅描绘春天景色的油画。

描写风景的英文句子:The trees, like the longings of the earth, stand atiptoe to peep at the heaven.群树如表示大地的愿望似的,踮起脚来向天空窥望。





3、关于风景英语句子大全 描写风景的英文句子: The trees, like the longings of the earth, stand atiptoe to peep at the heaven. 群树如表示大地的愿望似的,踮起脚来向天空窥望。

4、典范英语黑夜挣扎中描写外貌的英文短语和描写环境的英文句子及其中 黑夜中挣扎. 英语: Struggling in the in the 描写外貌短语: She is 她很漂亮. He is 他很丑。

5、本文已经固化的单词数超过140词,当场只需写一个完整的句子、三个半句、五处单词替换,具有中学英语水平足以完成。 引用的句子已经有足够的闪光点,自己写的句子,千万别写错,另外,注意覆盖图画所表达的内容。


1、The waterfall sing, “I find my song, when I find my freedom.”瀑布歌唱道:“我得到自由时便有了歌声了。

2、描写景色英文片段 微风吹来一阵春天的气息。There is a breath of spring in the gentle wind. 风向我们迎面吹来。The wind was dead against us. 轻风抚弄树梢。

3、描写风景的英文句子: The trees, like the longings of the earth, stand atiptoe to peep at the heaven. 群树如表示大地的愿望似的,踮起脚来向天空窥望。

4、那是一幅描绘春天景色的油画。That is an oil painting of a landscape in spring.游客们被景色的美丽所陶醉。


1、描写景色英文片段 微风吹来一阵春天的气息。There is a breath of spring in the gentle wind. 风向我们迎面吹来。The wind was dead against us. 轻风抚弄树梢。

2、That is an oil painting of a landscape in spring.那是一幅描绘春天景色的油画。

3、Autumn is quiet, in this season you can calm down to taste the life of each section.秋是安静的,在这个季节可以静下心来品味生活的每一段。

4、In autumn,the weather is very dry and cool. 秋天的时候,天气很干燥和凉爽。


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